Canada column for
Sunday, March 22/20
By Jim Fox
“The time to come
home is now,” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said repeatedly to Canadian
“snowbirds” and those travelling around the world the past week.
That’s because
airlines are ceasing operations due to the COVID-19 outbreak of which 1,000
people have become infected across Canada with 10 deaths.
To try to contain
the virus, Canada and the U.S. have sealed the border in both directions to “non-essential
Canadians and
Americans are still allowed to go home, with Canada saying they have to spend
14 days in self-isolation when they get back.
The movement of
goods by truck and train, health professionals and others who live on one side
and work on the other are exempt.
In a surprise
announcement, Trudeau said illegal migrants flooding into Canada avoiding
proper crossings will be refused entry and not admitted as before.
The measures are
“temporary” but needed as the world battles the new coronavirus outbreak,
Trudeau said.